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What are NFTs?
What are NFTs?

NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are digital files that represent a unique asset – whether physical or digital, such as, a piece of art, a video, real estate, or your CDG jewelry. Using revolutionary technology, this non-fungible token records the purchase date, the artist’s name, the work’s title and medium, an image of the physical work, as well as the year of creation and where it was produced. Like physical art an NFT can be sold but you can retain the IP, or offer it to the buyer, or decide the on a percentage of secondary sales an owner can have. Your design will forever be memorialized as your original creation in the digital world.

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Do you offer colored stones? Gemstones?
Do you offer lab-grown gems and diamonds?
Are your diamonds conflict free?
Where do your gems and diamonds come from? Can I browse your inventory?
What type of diamonds do you have?
What types of metal do you use?
If I have my own diamond, would CDG build a new setting for it?
How do I insure my jewelry against loss or damage?
Do you offer resizing?
What type of jewelry do you make?